Springing Forward

Springing Forward

March 14, 2016 Weekly Updated - My Music Staff
Here’s what’s new and improved this week:

  • We’ve made two highly requested changes to the « Cancellation Policy » feature in My Music Staff:
    1. You can now limit the number of make-up credits that will be automatically issued after a certain date. For example, if you’re a studio that only issues a maximum of 2 credits per term, you’d set the maximum number of credits to « 2 » and the start date to the first day of your term. At the start of the NEXT term, you’d change the « Start Date » to that new date. This feature ONLY affects lessons cancelled through the student portal. As the teacher, you can always override the limit by marking the attendance « Absent, Give Make-Up » for extenuating circumstances.
    2. When a lesson is converted to an « Open Make-up Slot« , your cancellation policy can now automatically switch the « Event Category« . This is great for studios who like to color code their make-up slots differently (or simply wish to change the original category to something more generic).
  • On the homepage « Agenda« , the popup with student notes from the « Practice Log » now uses the screen space more efficiently for easier reading.
  • There’s a new « Teacher Title » field available in your « My Preferences » page so that you can store your proper title (i.e. « Mr. », « Mrs. », « Dr. », etc.) . If you populate this field you can use your title in the email templates. This feature is particularly useful for multi-teacher studios who wish to use proper titles in email correspondence.
  • If you explicitly assign new students to an item in the « Download Library« , sending the email notification from that popup now only emails the newly added students.
  • The « Student Details » now has a new field called « Referrer » for storing how the student heard about you/your studio. The sign-up widget has also been updated so that you can turn on a « How did you hear about us? » field which will automatically populate the Referrer field in the database.

Multi-Teacher Studios:

  • On the « Teachers & Administrators » page (multi-teacher studios) there is a new « Email » button for quick access to emailing your teachers.
  • When adding/editing an item in the « Download Library« , non-admin teachers cannot add students who are not assigned to them.
  • The « Payroll Report » now has an option to insert a page break between teachers.

We hope you enjoy this week’s updates. Have a great week!

– The My Music Staff Team

Did you know? We’ve added the ability to manually mark an invoice as “Paid« . My Music Staff will continue to automatically mark invoices paid as payments come in, but if for some reason you need to override it, you can.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com.

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