Student Details, Report!

Student Details, Report!

Atten-hut! I apologize for our terrible puns and misuse of commas. New reports are now live in My Music Staff! You can now create a 1-page Student Details Report with all the information in one student’s account. Share these PDFs with your fellow teachers, keep them on file, or send them to parents to verify you have up-to-date contact information.

Other New Features:

  • For families with multiple parents/contacts, the « Same as Primary » address checkbox will now be remembered after saving the parent details.
  • The Student Retention Report now shows not just how many students have left your studio, but which category they were in. For multi-teacher studios, that means you can now see who their teacher was, when they started, and when they decided to leave. This makes it easier to call students who have churned out of your studio to see if they’re interested in taking lessons again.

Some Bug Fixes:

  • If you email lesson notes to your students, the « Group Note » feature should no longer include extra blank lines.


Did you know? Auto-Invoicing now allows custom footer notes! You can even make them family-specific in your auto-invoicing settings.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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