Student Portal Help!

Student Portal Help!


Hey Everyone! Some great new features that will be appreciated by you and your families. Take a look at this week’s changes:

  • Families can now have multiple adult students.
  • We’ve extended the in-app help to the Student Portal! Parents and students now have the option to click « Help » in the top-right corner to get answers to some of their frequently asked questions.
  • We fixed a handful of issues in the new help system that was rolled out last week (i.e. flickering and layout problems).
  • The Calendar Filter now scrolls if you’re on a mobile device, so you can hit the « Apply » button even if it’s off the screen.
  • We’ve added a « Tools » menu to the News & Blog Posts page which provides the ability to edit some post attributes in bulk (sticky, category, etc.)
  • The « Studio News » feature has been removed from the homepage (to reduce the clutter). It has been relocated to the new the in-app « Help » area under « Latest News« .
  • If you created special categories for student charges, these categories are now available for filtering on the Revenue & Expense reports.
  • The Calendar toolbar menu items have been re-ordered.


Did you know? All the FAQ information that was available on our site is now contained within the help system directly, so there’s one central place for all our documentation (in-app!). Click « Help » in the top-right corner to review support articles or reach out to the My Music Staff team.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at


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