Studio Contact Page

Studio Contact Page

Studio Contact Page
Hello Everyone,

This week we’re proud to introduce a new addition to the Student Portal as well as a few other minor changes and fixes.

Here’s what’s new and improved this week:

  • We’ve added a new « Studio Info » page to the Student Portal. This page displays your studio address and contact information, along with teacher contact info (if available) and the number of make-up credits (if enabled in your account). The student’s « My Preferences » page no longer includes the studio information.
View from the « Studio Info » window in the Student Portal.
  • On the new « Studio Info » page you can now (optionally) include your student contact list. This is disabled by default. To turn it on, go to your « Studio Settings » page and enable the « Display Student Contact List in Student Portal » option. Individual parents can be removed from the contact list for privacy reasons on the « Family » tab in Student Details.
Studio Settings
View from the « Options » tab in « Studio Settings ».
  • On the calendar event pop-ups, the attendee list is now alphabetized.
  • There’s a new option for Multi-Teacher Studios that allows you to prevent non-admin teachers from editing their own calendars. When this feature is enabled, non-admin teachers can view their own calendars and take attendance, but not add, remove or change events.
  • We updated some of the site text in a variety of places to make some features/options more clear.

We hope you enjoy this weeks updates.

– The My Music Staff Team

Did you know? You can customize the emails My Music Staff sends out to students on your behalf. Read the full FAQ here.

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