Tell Your Story

Tell Your Story

Every music teacher has their “why” – why you started teaching lessons, and why you opened your studio. If we had a conversation, I’m sure the story of your studio would flow naturally, but is that same narrative found on your website?

Your story tells the world why you teach and why they should choose your studio over the competition.

While the product offerings of you and your competition may appear alike, there is always something unique about you and your business. Telling your story humanizes your studio and creates an emotional connection. It gives you a personality and increases a customer’s trust in your business.

A great example of a company selling their story instead of pushing a product is Nike. Nike believes everyone is an athlete, and the only thing holding you back is you and that’s where we get their slogan, “Just do it”. Instead of focusing on selling apparel, Nike tells their story by showcasing athletes like Serena Williams or Lebron James who live their values. Their advertising creates an emotional response to their brand rather than simply pushing you to purchase their products.

Let the world in on your story. Let them know what you do and why you do it, so that they can become part of it as your studio grows.

Your story doesn’t just have to live on your website. Did you know you can simultaneously publish blog posts to your My Music Staff-hosted studio website and the student portal? When your students log in, they’ll see the post right away and feel connected! Try it out now with a free 30-day trial!

Start Your 30-Day Trial Today

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