Thank you to our eagle-eyed users!

Thank you to our eagle-eyed users!

Soar like this majestic eagle with My Music Staff!

There are a lot of bug fixes this week, thanks to the sharp eyes of our users and their stellar communication skills! Thanks to everyone who wrote in with detailed descriptions of the issues they were experiencing. In other news, we’re preparing for the upcoming Utah Music Teachers Association conference in Salt Lake City, Utah! Hope to see everyone there. For more information, please check out the UMTA website here.

New features:

  • When you’re writing notes to your students, any URLs you include will save as clickable links. They’ll show up in the Calendar pop-up as well as the Attendance & Notes section.
  • We added some new My Music Staff stock logos

Things we fixed:

  • We fixed a minor issue with the « Last Login » field that would cause the last login time to display in the wrong timezone.
  • We found and fixed an obscure issue that would allow a student’s monthly charges to remain after their lessons were removed from the Calendar.
  • Families that had a zero current balance, but future charges still outstanding, were incorrectly displayed as Inactive on the Families & Invoices page. These families will now still display until any future charges are removed.
  • We fixed an issue with the Disable Email Reminders link that could cause the wrong name to be displayed in the notification email sent to the teacher.

For multi-teacher studios:

  • When adding a new student, the list of teacher names is now sorted alphabetically.

Did you know?  Enabling Auto-Pay for a parent will make them the Preferred Invoice Recipient!

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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