Timezone Road Trip

Timezone Road Trip


Hey Everyone! We’ve got some great changes this week to help overall usability.

  • The calendar now displays a notification when the filter is active (so you can more easily tell when you’re viewing a filtered version of your calendar).
  • All the « Search » buttons in My Music Staff now display in RED when they are active (similar to the calendar, to make it easier to determine when you’re viewing a filtered list).
  • We fixed a minor issue with the attendance popup: When you edit an attendance whose status is set to « Present, Use Make-Up » the price per student text box no longer shows up.
  • The GPS trip tracker now correctly uses the teacher timezone (not our timezone).
  • My Music Staff will now warn you when you try to send an email with an attachment larger than the maximum allowed size.

For multi-teacher studios:

  • We continue to refine and improve the substitute teacher feature. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback so far!
  • Email reminders now always use the original teacher name (not the substitute) to avoid confusion with students on days when a sub is teaching and the name is unrecognized.
  • We’ve optimized the Teacher Details (and Student List) pages so that they load more quickly. If these pages were taking a few seconds to appear before, they should open in less than 1 second now.

Did you know?  We added an option to delete/deactivate students in bulk from the “Tools” menu on the Student List page.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com.

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