What’s On The Menu?

What’s On The Menu?

Sometimes, we gotta make small moves to make big ones. In today’s small move, the Library & Downloads page has been split into two separate pages: Lending Library and Online Resources.

The Lending Library page now also includes a history of any items that were loaned. For shared items in multi-teacher studios, you can now see which teacher loaned an item and who marked it as returned.

Other Updates Include:

  • The little red “Now” line on the calendar is now pinned to your studio time; so if you’re travelling and your computer or phone has the timezone changed, you’ll still see your Calendar displaying the original time.
  • We identified (and fixed) a bottleneck in the subsystem that serves My Music Staff hosted websites. I don’t speak technobabble, but if you’re using a My Music Staff-hosted website, it should be a little more snappy now!
  • Double-clickers beware: The Sign-Up Widget now blocks duplicate submissions.
  • If you’re using the “Text Above Sign-Up Widget” on your MMS-hosted websites, any links you reference there should now automatically navigate the entire site (not just the widget’s frame).


Did you know? We’re testing a bulk SMS feature that uses your own device and carrier!

Please note: If you require technical assistance, please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com

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